Chest Seal Vented, 3 channel

Chest Seal Vented, 3 channel

Chest Seal Vented, 3 channel

11.00 EUR

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Chest Seal Vented, 3 channel

This product sets the standard for the treatment of penetrating injuries to the chest.

3-Vent Channels that prevent airflow into the chest cavity during inspiration while allowing air to escape through the vent Channels during exhalation.

Advanced adhesive technology for a superior seal in the most adverse conditions, including sweaty, bloody or hairy casualties. .Transparent backing, easy to place on the wound.Latex free.Have Lightweight puncture resistant packaging,

Easy-to-grip, two tabs for single step, peel-and-apply application that allows for the burping of the wound if necessary.

Small package size H 6? x W 3.75?, easy to fit in your tactical IFAK bag. Chest seal size: H 6.5? x W 6.5?


Product Size: :20*16cm

Product weight:30g

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